Saturday, June 13, 2009


When I got home from work today there were three little boys, probably about six, playing in the irrigation ditch in front of the house. They were floating sticks and just having a good time. It made my heart hurt for a minute as it seems like it was just yesterday that it was Randy, Josh, and Matthew out there. The three amigos as we used to call them. The three inseparables. Where does the time go? Randy and Josh are driving and going on dates and Matthew has long ago moved away. Was it really ten years ago that I sat on the porch and watched the three of them as they climbed trees, played in the dirt, rode their bikes, jumped on the tramp and begged to go and do things I wasn't ready to let them do yet? When did I decide those "things" were OK?....... Hiking flat top.....playing in the "big ditch" by themselves.... and now cars and girls. Part of me longs for those days and yet I know I need to enjoy the here and now for these days will be gone all too soon...........*sigh*

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