Friday, June 12, 2009

Today is such a beautiful day....even with the wind. It's not blowing like it was but still too much to really get out and work in my yard, which is beginning to look neglected. Randy is over helping a friend move furniture and I have spent all morning trying to create this blog. I look at others and they are so cute and creative. I still don't know what I'm doing but guess I'll figure it out as I go along.
Jan was here from Idaho for a couple of days and it sure was good to have her here even if I didn't see her much. She headed back this morning early. I'm still adjusting to her being gone. Really good friends don't come along all that often and I'm thankful to have her in my life......even long distance.
Kelly and family are off to Prescott for 10 days for their Church camp. I will hate having them gone that long but she was quick to remind me that I was gone for 6 weeks last summer so I guess 10 days isn't so bad! :) I hope they have a wonderful time.

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