Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Eve

Randy and Jenna.... crazy cousins (and Kolbe!)
Titan, Odis w/Peyton, and Kolbe.... sock monkeys from Grandma O
hummm, wonder what's in this bag
Odis finally got her yellow Hummer
Alicia, Ray, Titan, Jenna, Peyton, Kelly, Nathan, and Kolbe

Christmas Eve we all met at Odis' to make my mom's world famous Enchiladas :) Well, maybe not world famous but pretty popular with us! We have made this a Christmas Eve tradition for the past several years. Usually we do Christmas Eve at my house with a little program and we read the Christmas story out of Luke but this year we didn't want Odis to be alone so we took our tradition to her. A good time was had by all...... well, at least by me!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Making "shakut" and other fun stuff

Kelly and I were anxious to try out our Cricut so we made some attempts at Christmas presents. They didn't turn out too bad! I will be glad when we can get some more cartridges and make more fun stuff :) And.... of course.... Titan is helping with the baking. When I ask him if they were making brownies he told me "No, I making shakut" (chocolate)
