Thursday, July 30, 2009

Time Off

The past couple of days have been so nice. As much as I love Odis I really wish that I could just stay home. I have just been kind of lazy, done a little house cleaning and a little laundry. I have messed around in my yard and pulled some weeds. Nothing exciting but it is nice to not feel like I have to do everything in a hurry. I have another week off and then back to work. Hopefully we will get some camping in with Kelly and family.
I can't believe that school is starting in less than two weeks. Where did the summer go? Randy got registered today. It's going to be a hard year for him but I know he can do it.
He has friends over to watch a movie and I am getting a kick out of their conversation (well, most of it, ha) I'm glad that he feels comfortable having his friends here and that they feel comfortable being here. Kevin walked in and said "hey, mom! I smell brownies". I always wanted to be able to have my friends hang out at my house when I was growing up but since I never knew what kind of mood my Dad would be in it was just better not to. Sometimes we hung out in the front yard but rarely in the house. Maybe that's why I enjoy having Randy's friends here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

1935 talk by David O. McKay

Governments are the servants, not the masters of the people. All who love the Constitution of the United States can vow with Thomas Jefferson, who, when he was president, said,

I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

He later said:

To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must take our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labors and in our amusements.

If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the disposition of public money. We are endeavoring to reduce the government to the practice of rigid economy to avoid burdening the people and arming the magistrate with a patronage of money which might be used to corrupt the principles of our government. . . .

In conclusion, I repeat that no greater immediate responsibility rests upon members of the Church, upon all citizens of this Republic and of neighboring Republics than to protect the freedom vouchsafed by the Constitution of the United States.

Let us, by exercising our privileges under the Constitution—

(1) Preserve our right to worship God according to the dictates of our conscience,

(2) Preserve the right to work when and where we choose. . . .

(3) Feel free to plan and to reap without the handicap of bureaucratic interference.

(4) Devote our time, means, and life if necessary, to hold inviolate those laws which will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life. (”Free Agency . . . A Divine Gift” 367, 378)

So darn cute :)

My handsome cousin, Greg, sent me this picture of he and I. I'm guessing that we must be about 3 and 4 but I'm not sure. I do recognize that we are in our Grannie's back yard. WOW, I have lots and lots of good memories of he and I through the years. Randy and I were fortunate enough to spend time with Greg and Darla last summer and I regret that I didn't get any pictures of any of us! It would have been fun to have a "then and now" picture. Actually, I think both of us still have the same haircuts that we did back then haha. I sure do love that cousin of mine!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sweet Reunion

Today I heard that Olive Rothlesberger had passed away. I'm sorry that I wasn't here to attend her funeral. She and my mom were dear friends and long time visiting teaching companions. They had their routine down pat.....visit their ladies and then head for the Dairy Queen to share a Chicken Basket. I hope they have a Dairy Queen in Heaven because I'm sure the two of them are having a sweet reunion right about now.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Kelly and I had a good time in Prescott but OH MY GOSH.... how things change in 30 years. I started out our trip with all kinds of nostalgic feelings about youthful trips to Prescott for the 4th of July rodeo. My friend, Dallas, and I used to go every year and spend a couple of days. I was so sure I would know my way around and maybe even run into an old friend or two. The minute we hit Mayor those thoughts quickly left my mind. It's a good thing that Kelly knew where she was going or I would still be driving around trying to find my way out of town. :) I also didn't remember how hot it was there. We got to the camp about 1:00 and got Jenna all checked in then we found our motel and just kicked back for the rest of the evening. We all brought our swimming suits but just as we got ready to swim it began to rain. Kolbe was very disappointed but he soon found that the motel had never ending hot water and played in the bathtub for over an hour. By then Sponge Bob was on and the pool was forgotten.
Traveling with 3 kids is quite an interesting experience when you are not used to it. Just the time it takes to get them in and out of car seats is amazing. What made me think I would have a chance to figure out my new camera? :) I only got a couple of pictures taken and they didn't turn out very well but practice makes perfect and I'll just keep trying. I think the kids are coming over to swim in a day or two and I'll try again. Considering that the kids were in their car seats for hours at a time coming and going I think they were exceptionally good. Kolbe is such a good big brother and very patient with the little ones (even when Titan is pulling his hair). Titan turned two yesterday and he is so smart for his age. I am amazed at the things he says and sometimes a little embarrassed ...... at the top of his lungs in a public restroom...."Auntie! You go pee in the toilet, your a good girl" People were still laughing when I walked out the door. Next time I will stay outside and change Peyton's diaper while Kelly takes him to the bathroom :) Peyton is 9 months old and just the sweetest little girl and so good natured. I am so blessed to have them in my life.
This was the first time that I have left Randy home alone for that long and that was traumatizing. For me anyway! He wanted to come but had to work Sunday night and Monday so he couldn't go. It was probably just as well because the car was so crowded that I don't know where we would have put him. His friend, John, stayed here with him and I'm not sure if that made me feel better or worse :) especially when Randy sent me a picture text with John's newly shaved head......... but they are good kids and all went well. I actually think Randy was glad to see me when I got home but John just said he missed my cooking. Oh well, you take what you can get.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's here!!!

My new camera and photoshop printer arrived yesterday. Woohoo. I can't wait until I have time to sit down and go through all the software that came with it. I need to get a memory card. Kelly and I are driving to Prescott tomorrow to take Jenna to Youth Camp for a week and I'm hoping to take lots of pictures. Getting new things is so much fun! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Camera

Yesterday I got to keep Jenna, Kolbe, and Titan while Kelly ran some errands and it was such a fun day. The kids played in the pool and the little boys ran around the yard doing what little boys do. I sat in the swing and just enjoyed having them here. It made me realize that I need a good digital camera so I got on-line and ordered one. It should be here in a few days and I am so excited that I'm already planning another BBQ so we can have some fun and get some good family pictures. I don't know why I waited so long to get a camera.
This morning, early, my house was just starting to get light and the only sounds were the humming of the fan and the birds singing outside. It suddenly made me lonesome for my Grannie. Funny how certain sounds or smells will make you nostalgic. I had the sweetest Grandmother in the world.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The disappearing post

I had a post for the 4th of July and clicked a button and off it went into cyberspace. I think I need a lot more practice at this.
