The past couple of days have been so nice. As much as I love Odis I really wish that I could just stay home. I have just been kind of lazy, done a little house cleaning and a little laundry. I have messed around in my yard and pulled some weeds. Nothing exciting but it is nice to not feel like I have to do everything in a hurry. I have another week off and then back to work. Hopefully we will get some camping in with Kelly and family.
I can't believe that school is starting in less than two weeks. Where did the summer go? Randy got registered today. It's going to be a hard year for him but I know he can do it.
He has friends over to watch a movie and I am getting a kick out of their conversation (well, most of it, ha) I'm glad that he feels comfortable having his friends here and that they feel comfortable being here. Kevin walked in and said "hey, mom! I smell brownies". I always wanted to be able to have my friends hang out at my house when I was growing up but since I never knew what kind of mood my Dad would be in it was just better not to. Sometimes we hung out in the front yard but rarely in the house. Maybe that's why I enjoy having Randy's friends here.