Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Kelly and family got home from their Church camp with lots of good pictures and stories. This video makes me laugh every time I watch it. Notice Peyton laying in the back of the stroller just taking it all in stride.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Grandma Hunsakers Cold Sore Medicine
My whole life I have been plagued with cold sores. Cold sores on my lips, cold sores in my nose, once I even had one under my eye. I have tried everything from abreva to Clorox (seriously) and while some things seem to work for awhile nothing helps for long . Not even prescriptions. So when the lady I care for told me to try this concoction that she had in a mason jar on her kitchen table I was leery to say the least. But, being the brave soul that I am (not to mention desperate) I decided to give it a try. I took a big ol' spoonful and let it kind of hang around in my mouth for awhile and then when I couldn't hold my breath any longer I swallowed. I guess I expected miracles and when my cold sore was still there the next day I decided it was just one more thing that wasn't going to work for me. A couple of days later I realized that the cold sore was gone. Just gone. No scabbing over and cracking when I smiled or tried to get a toothbrush in my mouth......just gone. And I haven't had one since. I probably will one of these days but when I do I will have a mason jar full of the ugly brown stuff sitting on my kitchen table. It took several weeks before the cookbook was found containing the recipe but when we did I decided I should share it.
Odis, the woman I care for got this from her mother who got it from her mother who got it from her mother who got it from her mother! Get the picture? Odis is 85 years old so this recipe must have come over with the Pioneers. It was hand written as follows:
Grandma Hunsakers cold sore/canker sore medicine
1 qt. sugar
25 cents worth of goldenseal
1 level Tablespoon alum
1/2 Tablespoon borax
Make a strong tea of garden sage, strain and then add above mixture. Boil until medium thick. Watch closely so it doesn't boil over. Pour into sterilized jar.
When Odis was a young bride she asked her mother how much 25 cents worth of goldenseal was knowing that inflation was a factor. I'm glad she did. It comes out to be about 1 rounded teaspoon. And garden sage can be the sage you buy in the grocery store. About 3/4 cup.
Odis, the woman I care for got this from her mother who got it from her mother who got it from her mother who got it from her mother! Get the picture? Odis is 85 years old so this recipe must have come over with the Pioneers. It was hand written as follows:
Grandma Hunsakers cold sore/canker sore medicine
1 qt. sugar
25 cents worth of goldenseal
1 level Tablespoon alum
1/2 Tablespoon borax
Make a strong tea of garden sage, strain and then add above mixture. Boil until medium thick. Watch closely so it doesn't boil over. Pour into sterilized jar.
When Odis was a young bride she asked her mother how much 25 cents worth of goldenseal was knowing that inflation was a factor. I'm glad she did. It comes out to be about 1 rounded teaspoon. And garden sage can be the sage you buy in the grocery store. About 3/4 cup.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Boys, Boys, Boys
Image via Wikipedia
this is randy i decided to write my own blog thing well we currently have my friend living with us its pretty fun im not bored all the time anymore. we got our first jobs working at the movie theater together its a pretty laid back job you arrive at 6:20 sell tickets at 6:30 quit selling them at 7:30 and sit and get paid....whats even better is you get free popcorn,soda,candy,movie and you get paid its pretty awesome. this concludes my blog thing bye
Monday, Monday..........
I heard that song this morning and now I can't get it out of my mind! It's a beautiful Monday morning here but the wind is already picking up. aaaaahhhhh, life in Round Valley :). At least I got everything watered before it started blowing too bad. I don't think my zucchini is going to make it. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only Mormon on the planet that can kill a zucchini plant.
Yesterday Randy had been asked to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting and he did such a good job. He talked on preparing for a mission. He didn't know it but it was Raze Davis' farewell so his talk fit right in. He has always done such a good job speaking and doesn't seem the least bit nervous. He takes very few notes and just gets up there and does it. I don't know where he gets that talent from because it sure isn't from me.
After church we went over to the Warner's for a BBQ. Terri's in laws were there as well as her brother and SIL from Michigan. We had lots of food and lots of laughs. Terri's baked beans should be in the hall of fame. OhMyGosh!
I am back to taking care of Odis for 10 days. Michelle is out of town so instead of our 4 on 4 off schedule I am it for awhile. I love Odis and she is so interesting to talk to. At 85 she is as sharp as a tack and when she wants to she has a very funny streak in her. It is kind of hard on my back when I'm there that many days in a row but not as hard as being at the bookstore on my feet 7 hours at a time. This Sat. will be my last day at the store and I will miss the people and the atmosphere (not to mention my 20% discount on all the books I love to read) but I just can't keep up with both jobs and a teenager. Ted and Pat are the most wonderful, laid back, bosses I think I have ever had and I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know them better.
Kelly is texting me this morning with up-dates on their camp and some info. she got from Kolbe's testing. She is finally on the right path to getting him the help he needs. She is such a good mother and I'm so proud of the woman that she has become. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. I'll be glad when they come home. I may not see her for days at a time but at least I know she's HERE and not far away. They are really having a good time and I'm glad about that.
Yesterday Randy had been asked to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting and he did such a good job. He talked on preparing for a mission. He didn't know it but it was Raze Davis' farewell so his talk fit right in. He has always done such a good job speaking and doesn't seem the least bit nervous. He takes very few notes and just gets up there and does it. I don't know where he gets that talent from because it sure isn't from me.
After church we went over to the Warner's for a BBQ. Terri's in laws were there as well as her brother and SIL from Michigan. We had lots of food and lots of laughs. Terri's baked beans should be in the hall of fame. OhMyGosh!
I am back to taking care of Odis for 10 days. Michelle is out of town so instead of our 4 on 4 off schedule I am it for awhile. I love Odis and she is so interesting to talk to. At 85 she is as sharp as a tack and when she wants to she has a very funny streak in her. It is kind of hard on my back when I'm there that many days in a row but not as hard as being at the bookstore on my feet 7 hours at a time. This Sat. will be my last day at the store and I will miss the people and the atmosphere (not to mention my 20% discount on all the books I love to read) but I just can't keep up with both jobs and a teenager. Ted and Pat are the most wonderful, laid back, bosses I think I have ever had and I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know them better.
Kelly is texting me this morning with up-dates on their camp and some info. she got from Kolbe's testing. She is finally on the right path to getting him the help he needs. She is such a good mother and I'm so proud of the woman that she has become. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. I'll be glad when they come home. I may not see her for days at a time but at least I know she's HERE and not far away. They are really having a good time and I'm glad about that.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
When I got home from work today there were three little boys, probably about six, playing in the irrigation ditch in front of the house. They were floating sticks and just having a good time. It made my heart hurt for a minute as it seems like it was just yesterday that it was Randy, Josh, and Matthew out there. The three amigos as we used to call them. The three inseparables. Where does the time go? Randy and Josh are driving and going on dates and Matthew has long ago moved away. Was it really ten years ago that I sat on the porch and watched the three of them as they climbed trees, played in the dirt, rode their bikes, jumped on the tramp and begged to go and do things I wasn't ready to let them do yet? When did I decide those "things" were OK?....... Hiking flat top.....playing in the "big ditch" by themselves.... and now cars and girls. Part of me longs for those days and yet I know I need to enjoy the here and now for these days will be gone all too soon...........*sigh*
Friday, June 12, 2009
Today is such a beautiful day....even with the wind. It's not blowing like it was but still too much to really get out and work in my yard, which is beginning to look neglected. Randy is over helping a friend move furniture and I have spent all morning trying to create this blog. I look at others and they are so cute and creative. I still don't know what I'm doing but guess I'll figure it out as I go along.
Jan was here from Idaho for a couple of days and it sure was good to have her here even if I didn't see her much. She headed back this morning early. I'm still adjusting to her being gone. Really good friends don't come along all that often and I'm thankful to have her in my life......even long distance.
Jan was here from Idaho for a couple of days and it sure was good to have her here even if I didn't see her much. She headed back this morning early. I'm still adjusting to her being gone. Really good friends don't come along all that often and I'm thankful to have her in my life......even long distance.
Kelly and family are off to Prescott for 10 days for their Church camp. I will hate having them gone that long but she was quick to remind me that I was gone for 6 weeks last summer so I guess 10 days isn't so bad! :) I hope they have a wonderful time.
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