Being a mom. Being an Aunt. Being a Great Aunt. Being a daughter. Having a warm home in the winter and shade trees in the summer. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Restoration. Having wonderful friends. For all the places I have been fortunate enough to live. For the people I have met in those places. Different jobs and the things I have learned from each one. Lessons I learned from my mother. Lessons I learned from my grandmother. Lessons I am still learning from my son. The smell inside of a clean barn. Holding a new calf. Gathering eggs. Fall leaves under my feet. Green summer grass under my feet. Having the Priesthood in my home. Freedom. Cheesecake. Hot homemade bread with butter and honey. The
smell of homemade bread with butter and honey. Listening to the rain on my roof. The smell of Eagar after the rain. The smell of rain on the desert. Children's prayers. Children's laughter. A living Prophet. Christmas decorations. Good books. Being able to
read the good books. Music. Dancing. The Atonement. Hot Postum with Creme Brule'. My mothers testimony. Days with no pain. New socks. When the summer visitors go home. Massages. Foot rubs. Brand new babies, human and otherwise. Painted toenails. New shoes. Arizona sunrises. Montana sunsets. Camping under the stars. Falling stars. Sitting around a campfire. Hot showers. Clean sheets. Cinnabar perfume. Spring flowers. My testimony. Sleeping with the windows open. Catching the first fish. Hymns. Having gone to a drive-in movie. Pets, past and present. Early morning silence. Prayer. Ice cold Pepsi.