Lately I've had some things on my mind. Things that are troubling to me and things that I don't understand. If there are two children and one of them is blond and blue eyed and the other is black, do you automatically think that the blond child is somehow more important simply because of their skin color? OR.... do you see two sweet and innocent children of our Father in Heaven?
Two years ago our family was blessed with a beautiful little boy. A little boy that, I believe, was literally prayed into our family. He is sweet beyond words and intelligent beyond his years. He is curious and mischievous and full of love..... and his skin is black. I fell in love with him the minute I laid eyes on him and that love has grown every day of his life. My heart bursts every time I hear him say "love you, Auntie", or I see him running to me, arms held up for me to hold him. I feel the same love for him that I feel for Kelly's biological children. He, like her other children, is a gift from God and a blessing to our family.
And yet, even in 2009, I see the looks when we walk into a restaurant or a grocery store and, unfortunately, even into church. I see the stares and hear the whispers.....the assumptions that Kelly slept with a black man. And what if her husband
was black? Would that make it better or worse in these narrow minds? Aren't we all children of God? Aren't we all created in His image? My Mother taught me that we are, but it is clear to me that some people don't think so and that kind of thinking is something I will never understand.