Fall is definitely in the air. The weather has been so nice and the rain.........aaaahhhh, the rain. Almost every afternoon we get a nice down pour and day before yesterday it rained all day. Just a nice steady rain. I sat on the porch and just took in the wonderful smell of Eagar. Since I was a little girl and we used to come up here in the summers I have always loved the smell of Eagar after the rain. I don't know if it is all the Elm trees or some other plant that grows here but there is just no place that I have ever been that smells this good. Sitting on the porch, listening to it rain I suddenly felt overwhelmed with all the blessings in my life. Sometimes I feel a little sorry for myself. I wish my home was bigger, nicer, I had a newer car, I wish I didn't have so much pain... blah, blah, blah. But actually, I am very fortunate. My home is paid for, my car almost paid for. I have (mostly, haha) good neighbors, wonderful friends, a great son, niece,
great-nieces and nephews. I've never been hungry.... which should be obvious by looking at me :). I've never had to worry about my child being hungry or homeless or with a life threatening illness. I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a son who is worthy to hold the Priesthood. Yep, life is pretty good. I hope I remember to come back and read this the next time I get whiney.